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My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

...and I'm spent.

Ooooookay. Finally I figured out how to post a picture, and now I'm happy. I was kinda hopin' some of my girls would be on, and I could chat for a moment or two, but no. But that's probably a good thing, seeing as how I have to open the store tomorrow. And I still have to iron my uniform tonight! But it will be nice to be off by 1. Or thereabouts. Hopefully.
Now that I know how to do it, I should add a random picture to this post. Um... Not sure which one it will be, and y'all will not know what or who it is or where it came from. I am really going to pick something at random. Just because I can. Ooh, and I think I can post mp3s on here, too... once I figure out how to do that... Can't wait. It seems I might have another addiction on my hands. :) Alright, ladies and gents, I'm off to the basement and my ironing. And then bed. With my dog. And my afghan, sheet, and three blankets. And yet I am cold. Maybe I should move south...
Oh, boo. I give up. It's taking waaaaaay too long to upload. And I should've been in bed two hours ago. Duty calls. And Doody calls. Whatever that means. Night, all.


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