Search & Win My bloggy little blog: May 2008

My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

where I have been lately

Home, kmart, home, kmart, etc. Being a working mom is soooo hard! I am literally watching my house get dirtier and dirtier. I am gaining weight. Again. I am overeating and spending way too much time lounging on the couch. I am putting off everything. The positives: 1) when being a mommy is getting stressful, there's always work. 2) money. Money that is still not enough, but gets us closer. And since I am being scheduled to work more hours than I want, it's more money than I was expecting to make. My concern is that it will be too much, and we will get kicked off our poor-people's medical insurance. And if that happens, then we have to buy insurance. And that is so expensive that it is almost not worth working. Argh. Normally I would say that we only really need insurance for Thomas, but I have gotten used to having a doctor, and medicine, and NOT suffering from asthma constantly. I love not having asthma attacks. Frankly, that alone is worth doing whatever I need to do to keep insurance.
At least I enjoy my job. I just wish I didn't have to work so much! I didn't think that I would be working every Sunday. This I do not like. If it continues, I will have to change my availability. But for right now, I am considering requesting off every few Sundays. I figure I have to keep my availability the same for a while just to be fair to them.
I am still thinking I would like to go for management eventually whenever it becomes available. But it will be a big job, and it will be a while before I feel ready. I think once Thomas is ready to go to preschool, I will be ready to take on more at work. My goal right now is to learn as much as I can and get as proficient at my job as possible. I want to earn the respect of my superiors so that when advancement opportunities become available, there I am. Mostly I am just thrilled to have a job, let alone a job I do not hate.