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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One Down, Only 5600 to Go

Operation Napless: Day 1 was ruled a success. I'm sure not every day will go as well, and not every day will continue to be napless. I am prepared for this. I was just so happy yesterday to be able to avoid the post-nap grumpiness that seems to be a habit. The only problem was that at 8 o'clock sharp, I said, ok, time for bed. And he was incredulous. He said, "Mom, is it dark out?" Like, it can't be bedtime if it's not dark out! --which, of course, it wasn't, at 8 o'clock at the end of April. This may be a problem. I may need to get some curtains for his other window. He's got blinds on one but the other one is up high and faces west, and the waning sunlight can stream right in.

Ugh. It's seven. "Naptime is over," as he will be surely telling me any second. I've got a diaper to change and apple jacks to pour.


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