Search & Win My bloggy little blog: Let me just say: ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHH!!!

My bloggy little blog

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let me just say: ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHH!!!

Okay, so he's 2 1/2 now. And the Terrible Twos started at 1 1/2. So it's been a year. He's put in his time. I've certainly put in mine. Aren't we done with this yet? Surely it's not going to continue into the Terrible Threes. Is there such a thing? Goodness, I hope not. When he was a baby, and he cried all the time, and never slept, and basically acted like he hated me for bringing him into this world, I actually wished that the doctors would find something wrong with him that could justify his behavior. But no, he's just a normal child. Then he was a normal, grumpy, sleepless baby, and now he's a normal, grumpy, sleepless two-year-old.
Frankly, I dread every morning because of the battle that I know will take place. If I finish getting ready for the day and he is still asleep, I spend my time praying that he will keep sleeping for a little while and that when he gets up, he won't be a tyrant. Doesn't usually happen.
He refuses to let me change his diaper or change him out of his pj's. I don't mind so much if his diaper is still dry and we aren't in any hurry to get dressed and out the door. This is seldom the case. Anyway, his diaper fills up fast, and it's just easier to dress him right away rather than wait and then hurry up and do it when we're ready to go somewhere. I don't understand what is so terrible about a clean diaper and clean clothes. I thought maybe it was a power issue, not wanting to let Mommy do everything for him. So for a while I let him undress and dress himself, but I found that if it's up to him, he just won't do it. It's just a no-win situation.
So what ends up happening is I physically restrain him and dress him while he cries and I almost cry. It's hard, and unpleasant, and he has bruises.
Okay, and now he is demanding that I put his socks on. Hm. I think I already-- yes, I already put them on and you took them off.
Oh, now he's pulling my pants off.
Now my sweater.
I'd better go put his socks on, or at least act like I'm going to until he changes his mind.


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