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Monday, February 13, 2006

Bloggin along

Dude. Mom just made some sort of weird snorty noise. I think she still doesn't believe that Friday night she absolutely DID sit all the way up in bed, and that's the only reason why I talked to her. I really thought she was awake. Otherwise I would've cried over my problems all alone.
I don't want to know if I have received a certain e-mail in a certain inbox from a certain person containing a certain... well, containing ANY subject matter. I am not going to read it. I'm deleting.
Today was a good day. Went to work, worked, came home and napped, got up and got a shower, went to a friend's house, came home, and got online. And actually had more fun doing homework than I think you're supposed to have. Don't tell.
Ah, what a conundrum I am in... that's all I'll say, as far as what the conundrum is exactly. But it's not entirely unenjoyable. It just depends on which way it goes... I'm kinda between a rock and a hard place... well, more specifically, albeit still very vaguely, I'm between what looks like a rock and what might be a hard place or might just be a soft place with a sliding glass door. But in a weird way, I'm hoping for the hard place. 'Cause if it's a sliding glass door, and I open it, I'll fall into the soft place, and then I won't be able to get back to the rock. And the soft place might be nice, but I want the hard place.
More now than ever do I want the hard place.
And if that makes sense to anyone, well, wow. You might know me better than me knows me. That's all for tonight. I've lost myself in all these metaphors... I think I'm in here somewhere...


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