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Friday, February 17, 2006

so tired

I think my second wind has come and gone. And I'm supposed to be... well, you know, you really should never wait for a boy to call. Romantically or otherwise. 'Cause they don't. I mean, usually they will, but not when they say they will. Like Cher and Christian. "In boy time that meant Friday." Or whatever day it is that he actually calls her. This is just the way they are. Unless they're like a certain someone and they call you like ten times a day and leave messages on your voice mail: "Just wanted to see how your day was goin..." Um, about the same as it was an hour ago... Jeez. Is there no happy medium?
Then again, I guess it's all part of why boys are boys and girls are girls.
Speaking of girls... Okay, well, not really. Speaking of boys... I get to see my boys in less than a week! Can you believe it? I've been so preoccupied with work and not work and quitting work and school and life in general... when I finally pack and drive and arrive in NJ and get in my seat and look up at those five faces... it will be such a wonderful surprise, ya know? Like Delaware... that was one of my best shows ever, because it was so spontaneous. As was Kenosha. And Richmond. I have to say, the best ones were spontaneous. I think we decided we were going to Delaware like, five days beforehand. And Richmond was like the week before. And Kenosha... well that was the morning of... how insane are we? I love us.
Ah, where was I? I was talking to the "us" of whom I just spoke. Anyway. I went to the gym today, and I am so proud of myself. Although now my buttcheeks hurt. Can I say that on here? Is there a censor? Can I get it to auto-censor "buttcheeks"? Well, anyway, I was on the bike for 27 minutes, and now they hurt. I need a cushy chair to sit on. Instead of this stool-y thing. Ooh, can't wait til the pella hit Blossom... Mom is sooooo in. She'll get to see them with the Pops. Not that I've seen them with the Pops either, but hopefully I'll do Boston in June/July. Hopefully. With my Amy. The auditor. Or however you spell that.
Okay, that's all for now. Tired of typing. Tired of sitting upright, actually. I've now been up for 19 1/2 hours straight. I almost wanna make it a full 24, just 'cause why not. You know? But then again, WHY? Sleep, little one...


  • At 6:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I see talk of how crazy "we" were for Kenosha. So glad to be part of a "we"... Glad to be part of something that doesn't involve the letters "TMH" or "ER".


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