Search & Win My bloggy little blog: July 2007

My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

[No photo available]

So after going through all the trouble of scanning the then-most-recent picture of Thomas, having it e-mailed to me, and getting on my computer to download it (a process which took WAY too long), I still have no picture. It disappeared. I don't know where it went. And Jarrod, who knows more about computers than I do, couldn't find it either. So I guess I will have to get online at my FIL's and upload and then post it, something I was trying to avoid because I feel guilty about using his internet connection and I don't want to take the time to post a long blog when I'm there. (And yet somehow here at my mom's I feel no remorse even after tying up the phone line for two hours. Go figure.)
Moving on. As you may have been able to discern from the previous paragraph, we have a new picture of the little guy. I wanted one of his face, especially after the previous ultrasound showed his face SO clearly. His little Hamrick nose... So cute! But then on Thursday, we couldn't see his face as clearly-- at least I couldn't-- but I had made up my mind that it was what I wanted. So that's what we got, but it's hard to tell... I can only point out the nose and lips because that's where the doctor said they were... Of course I believe her, but... last time it was so much easier to see.
He's moving like crazy, and he weighs 4 lbs., 3 oz.. Which is normal. So in a way, I'm like, Yea!! I'm not having a huge Hamrick baby!! But on the other hand, I'm thinking, Then why am I so huge?? Seriously, we're talking basketball. And this is with two months left to go. I'm also starting to think he may not come super-early, like I originally thought. If he has eight weeks left, and he gains about a half a pound a week, that puts him at just over eight pounds total, which would be just above normal. I estimate that for every two weeks he's early, that's a pound. So I really wouldn't want him to come any more than a month early-- that would put him at around six pounds. Not to mention if he comes too early, he might not have working lungs and stuff, and that's not good. Of course, we're anxious (more every day!), but we want him to be healthy. Anyway, so far, by all accounts, he is just fine. Although he has been kicking the heck out of me for eight days straight now. Don't get me wrong; I love it, and I'll probably miss it in the next several weeks when he gets crowded and quiets down. But he kicks hard!! He's probably gonna come out with body-builder muscle mass...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hitched without a hitch

So I am now the new Mrs. Jarrod Troy Hamrick. You are jealous.
And I am soon to be the mother of the strikingly handsome, dazzlingly intelligent Thomas Edward Hamrick III. Are you supposed to put a comma between the 'Hamrick' and the 'III'? 'Cause you do for 'Sr' and 'Jr', right? Eh, I'm sure I have a book around here somewhere from my grammatically anal college days that will explain. I'll look later.
I can't wait for the days of posting pictures so everyone can see... Hm... I'll have to take our most recent ultrasound picture over to my father-in-law's, where our scanner is right now, and then I can scan it and post it, so we can have baby pictures to look at. THEN the viewers'll come a flockin'. Since right now it seems I have an audience of one. Two if you count me. Which I don't. Btw, thanks, T, for your loyal readership. Even though I don't post all that frequently.
Anyway, the wedding went very well; some would even go so far as to say it was beautiful. I cried. He perspired. Between the two of us, it was a very moist ceremony. But nice. And today I got my legal documents from the court, so I can go over to Social Security and have my name legally changed on Monday. Yay! I changed it at the hair salon yesterday. The first place to have my new legal name. I was pretty sure they wouldn't ask for proof. :)
Hm... what's new, other than that? Well... got my hair cut... it's cute. I like it. More "Mom." And I just went to the doc on Tuesday, and everything is fine... although I'm up to a hefty 151.75 lbs, way more than I've ever weighed in my life. That puts my total gain somewhere around 33 lbs, which is crazy considering I've still got (supposedly) 9 weeks to go. Although of course I think he's gonna be early. He's anxious to get out. He's told me. He's spent the last several weeks trying to take down walls. He's going to be the first baby to be delivered navally. That's right, navally. He's gonna come feet-first, right through my belly button. Possibly yelling "Hi-YAH!"
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm going to try to keep this updated better than I have in the past.
Tell your friends.