Search & Win My bloggy little blog: December 2007

My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Ah, the TV!

I'm only going to type briefly, but I thought I would share with everyone just how much I love me the TV. I build my day around it, and also my week. From whatever time I wake up until 9 am, I watch the Today show. Even though they all pretty much bore me. I like Ann. I guess the rest of them are okay, and I certainly like Meredith better than Katie, but it all bores me, in general. Then at 9 I watch Regis and Kelly. Kelly used to drive me crazy, but I have actually grown to like her. I like to see what she wears. I almost always like what she's wearing. And Regis is getting old. But anyway, I enjoy it. Then at 10 I go back to the Today show. (While all this TV watching is going on, I am also taking care of Thomas, doing laundry and dishes, possibly taking a nap if the opportunity lends itself...) At 11 I watch the fabulous 60-minute Price Is Right. At 12 it's Merv Griffin's Crosswords. Even though the host, Ty Treadway, is possibly the most fake game show host I've ever seen. Then, like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives. Yes, that's right, I'm hooked on a soap. And that is "my soap." I enjoy it. And I'm only slightly ashamed of myself. At 2 I watch Judge Judy, even though I don't like her. She's wrong a lot. Then come Ellen, Dr Phil, and Oprah. 6 pm is news, 6:30 is Family Guy, 7 is sometimes Wheel of Fortune but usually Two and a Half Men, which I regret it took me so long to discover, 'cause it's really funny. 7:30 is Jeopardy!. Then it is 8 pm. Prime time begins. Sunday, of course, is the Amazing Race. Ah, my heart leaps with joy at just the thought. I love that show. I would do it in a heartbeat. And actually, Jarrod and I would make a fabulous team, except that he doesn't fly. But we work so well together. This is what happens when you fall in love with someone from the workplace. I know we would make a good team. We function extremely well under pressure. Tuesday nights I watch the Biggest Loser and then Boston Legal. Wednesday is Kid Nation and Criminal Minds. Friday is Numb3rs. I know I left some stuff out. That's just my must-watch list. Anyway, I'm at Mom's and T's, and it's time for me to get offline and take my baby home. Goodnight.

Monday, December 03, 2007

I'm at a loss for words...

I've started writing on my computer at home and storing it in a file just because I feel like I have diarrhea of the mouth so much of the time. I am driving myself and my loved ones crazy. When given the opportunity to talk, I start and can't stop. People ask me a question and regret it immediately. I need a life. Or a hobby. Or a friend. Or something. So I have started this file that I add to daily just so that I can blab on ad nauseam without boring anyone. I need a theme for this blog. Like... things I love, or things I hate, or the best part of my day, or... I don't know. Cute things my kid does is not enough to make a whole blog about. Not yet. Don't get me wrong; he's a cute kid. But he doesn't say cute things, can't sit up or roll over, can't hold his head up consistently. He got his pictures taken at Olan Mills on Saturday-- that is a crazy place this close to Christmas. Some of his pictures were really cute, although he didn't smile for any of them, which is ridiculous, because he probably smiles a hundred times a day. But not once during this whole photo session. But he got a new outfit and looked sooo cute. I'll probably scan and post once we get them. So cute. Of course, everyone thinks their kid is the cutest.
Now I will (quickly) rant. This holiday business is a mess. How come the "holiday" starts at Thanksgiving and extends through New Year's Day? I am going to be sick of Christmas by the time it arrives. In fact, I already am. And that's a shame. I don't even feel like having Christmas, and it's just because it is already being shoved down my throat by the media, the mall (and I don't even GO to the mall!), even church. People, I'm not sure exactly what day it is, but it's at least two weeks yet til Christmas. I think.
My mom's house smells like baked crescent rolls... mmmmm... I think the smell is all in my head, but nonetheless delicious. And now my wrist is really hurting and I have to stop typing. I think it has to do with how I am holding my baby (who now weighs a hefty 12 lbs 2 oz), but it's what works for me. So more next time.