Search & Win My bloggy little blog: I'm at a loss for words...

My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Monday, December 03, 2007

I'm at a loss for words...

I've started writing on my computer at home and storing it in a file just because I feel like I have diarrhea of the mouth so much of the time. I am driving myself and my loved ones crazy. When given the opportunity to talk, I start and can't stop. People ask me a question and regret it immediately. I need a life. Or a hobby. Or a friend. Or something. So I have started this file that I add to daily just so that I can blab on ad nauseam without boring anyone. I need a theme for this blog. Like... things I love, or things I hate, or the best part of my day, or... I don't know. Cute things my kid does is not enough to make a whole blog about. Not yet. Don't get me wrong; he's a cute kid. But he doesn't say cute things, can't sit up or roll over, can't hold his head up consistently. He got his pictures taken at Olan Mills on Saturday-- that is a crazy place this close to Christmas. Some of his pictures were really cute, although he didn't smile for any of them, which is ridiculous, because he probably smiles a hundred times a day. But not once during this whole photo session. But he got a new outfit and looked sooo cute. I'll probably scan and post once we get them. So cute. Of course, everyone thinks their kid is the cutest.
Now I will (quickly) rant. This holiday business is a mess. How come the "holiday" starts at Thanksgiving and extends through New Year's Day? I am going to be sick of Christmas by the time it arrives. In fact, I already am. And that's a shame. I don't even feel like having Christmas, and it's just because it is already being shoved down my throat by the media, the mall (and I don't even GO to the mall!), even church. People, I'm not sure exactly what day it is, but it's at least two weeks yet til Christmas. I think.
My mom's house smells like baked crescent rolls... mmmmm... I think the smell is all in my head, but nonetheless delicious. And now my wrist is really hurting and I have to stop typing. I think it has to do with how I am holding my baby (who now weighs a hefty 12 lbs 2 oz), but it's what works for me. So more next time.


  • At 12:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Y is it when U claim loss for words, you type the most? (Universal "you"; I do it too.)

    I won' type much tonight either; I ripped a nail too short, & my finger hurts when I try to type.


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