Search & Win My bloggy little blog: March 2006

My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

the list

OK. So I have been talking about this list a little bit lately, and thinking about it a LOT lately. And I felt like posting it. Do with it what you wish. But I made it on January 5, 2001, and it pretty much still holds...
My list for the perfect man...
1) Physically attractive to me
2) Honest
3) Christian
4) Virgin
5) Wants children
6) Can sing
7) Plays an instrument, preferably strings or piano
8) Willing to travel
9) Calls me, but not too much
10) Can write or draw and does so in leisure time
11) Likes deep conversations
12) Likes sleeping in
13) Nice teeth
14) Loves his family, and is loved by his family
15) Rides horses, or willing to learn
16) Loves me more than words can say
17) Kisses me on the cheek and the forehead more than anywhere else
18) Holds me like he'll never let go
19) Plays with my hair
20) Good with children
21) Can act
22) Smiles and laughs frequently
23) Quick intellect
24) Will still play in the snow when he's 40
25) Holds my hand
26) Opens doors for me
27) Treats me like a princess
28) Understands me as well as I do (or almost)
29) Likes animals (at least domestic ones)
30) Never makes me cry
There we have it. The definitive list. The only one I would really be willing to take off is 21. Acting is kind of overrated. I guess. And treating me like a princess is kind of a trite notion. So I can forgive that one, too. But some of the other ones are absolute keepers. I'd sooner die a desiccated spinster than marry a man who doesn't hold me like he'll never let go or one who hates sleeping in. That's a no-go dabadabap, for sure.
That said, any comments?
More importantly, any takers? :)

Thursday, March 09, 2006


People who need people... drive me crazy. We all drive me crazy, myself included. Sometimes it seems like the world would be so much easier with nobody in it. If everyone only existed for the moments during which they were directly involved in my life. If I went to the store and bought groceries, then the cashier would only exist to check me out. When I left the store, the cashier would disappear. No one would have lives and drama outside of the life and drama I would create my by presence. And it would disappear as soon as I did. Grr. I hate life.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Hunger

I had a sundae (DQ's having a sale, people. Get there. Get there NOW. Peanut butter, hot fudge, whipped topping, and the best soft-serve EVER. It can all be yours for $1.14. Need I say more?) about two hours ago, and Panera at noon, so I guess I have reason to be hungry for something substantial. By which I mean, McDonald's. Is it safe to say I'm addicted? I don't really even WANT McDonald's. I don't want what it represents in my life. But I kinda do want a double cheeseburger only ketchup and some fries... Ooh, or maybe I'm thinkin Arby's. Chicken strips. They were soooo good when I had them. Mmmmmm and their honey mustard sauce... I feel bad if anyone is reading this, because no doubt you, too, are getting The Hunger. It's running rampant among people who haven't eaten everywhere!! Doggone it. Maybe I do want Arby's... it's the closest fast food restaurant to my house. And I can still catch most of the Oscars. Which I must admit I don't really care about except that my mom and my brother and I have all made our predictions and written them down, and I'm really curious to see how everyone does, especially considering T and I have each seen only Crash, among the nominees, and mom has seen not one. So. It should be interesting.
Other than that, what did I want to say?... Oh, yeah. It's so hard to stand up for ideals. And I think it's almost a fad NOT to stand up for them. Just to kind of stand wherever you stand and let the status quo jostle you this way and that, til you can't even see your ideals anymore. But you're way familiar with the status quo. But then where are we standing? The moral equivalent of the swamp. Which is not a good place to be. Let me just say that I intend to stand up for what I believe in, even if I'm the only one. I have to. Wow. That was vague. And to be even MORE vague, I'm not doing it to win the approval of my peers, although encouragement is always welcomed. I'm doing it because I know what's right, and I have to respect the truth. Because truth does not change. Can anyone tell it's Introspection Sunday? Okay, so that's not a real day; I just made it up. But I DO tend to be introspective on Sundays. Moreso than other days. I think. Maybe not. Okay, I'm rambling. Time to go foraging for nuts and berries and chicken fingers and fries... and maybe some chocolate chip cookies...mmmmm...