Search & Win My bloggy little blog: August 2007

My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Keepin On

So, not much new since the last post. I'm now seeing the doctor once a week, although my last two visits were only five days apart-- crazy. Thomas is still moving a lot, and I'm trying NOT to take that as a sign that he plans on hanging out in there a little while yet. The books all say that a couple weeks before he's born, he'll probably move less and also "drop." Well, he hasn't done either of those things. So he's making me think maybe he's not planning on arriving two weeks early like I've been thinking all along. But I'm getting tired of being pregnant.
That might sound selfish... but I'm sure it's a common sentiment. Come on; it's been 37 weeks!! The last several months of which have been spent in one continuous hot flash. Not to mention I am up to 161.25 lbs. I don't see how people do it. As soon as I get the go-ahead from the doc, I am losing those pounds!! I saw a woman on "A Baby Story" today who gained 55. WOW.
Anyway, I am ready to carry this little guy on the outside for a change. I wonder if he's gonna be as happy to see the world as we are to see him or if he'll be mad that he has to come out. I can't tell if all his frantic movements are a struggle to escape or a little happy dance. Whatever it is, he likes to do it around 4 am...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Will this work?

So, the idea here is that when you are looking at this, you will see somewhere-- above it, below it, next to it-- a picture of my soon-to-be-arriving son.

If you do see it, here is a description. The big blob on the right is his head, the big blob on the left is his body. This is about ten weeks ago, taken on June 8. I have a more recent one of him, but it's not scanned, and it's only of his face, and it's hard to tell (for me anyway) what's what. But at least this is something.

If you don't see it... who knows what kind of problem it was that led to my not being able to post it. But there's a description above of what you would see, had I posted it.

In the meantime, I am going through a bunch of my stuff in my mom's closet. Old notebooks and textbooks and whatnot. It's so hard for me to get rid of stuff. I actually went through a box and decided to throw away about half of it. This is an accomplishment for me. Soon as I finish this post, I'm going back at it. I think I can get rid of half of another box and possibly a lot of my clothes, too. :)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hot Mama!

Well, technically, (and today I fully believe this) it's not the heat; it's the humidity. So the title should read "Humid Mama." Actually, if you wanna be perfectly accurate, it should probably be called "Soaked-in-Sweat Mama." Gross. But true.
So what's new with me, you ask? Not a whole lot. I turn 26 tomorrow. Can we believe it? We can, seeing as how the numbers don't lie, but it does seem a little sudden. Thomas is due in six weeks and two days. Talk about sudden! It really does go fast. I'm kinda hoping the time goes fast that all he does is poop, sleep, and cry. I'm excited about finally being able to see him, hold him, sing to him, and whatnot, but I'm more excited to see all the things he can do as he learns to do them-- smile, laugh, sit up, crawl, etc.. At first, I thought having a newborn would be boring, but the more I hear from other moms and the more I think about it, I am coming to realize that it keeps a person pretty busy. And not to sound masochistic or anything, but I am looking forward to being busy again. After not having worked for six months, I am anxious for something to do!
The hubby started his new job today. He's now about eight hours into a twelve-hour shift. It can't be easy. Hopefully he's liking it. It's so much easier having a job you enjoy. At least his best friend is working the same place, and they are commuting each day. Well, I am sure I'll hear all about it when he gets home.
That's all for me. How 'bout you?