Search & Win My bloggy little blog: March 2008

My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Friday, March 28, 2008

No news is not necessarily good news

Nothing is new. Nothing has changed. I am still similarly discouraged that I will never get a job. I am going to apply a few more places. With infant son in tow. Hopefully if one of these places is so bold as to hire me, I will not have to show up to work with son in tow. Trust me; I am a good employee. A worthwhile investment. It's so frustrating.
And if I do get a job, will I be able to go to it? Or will I not be able to find someone to watch Thomas? They don't tell you all this stuff before you have a child.
Also. He's six months. Should he be sitting? Eating a lot of solid foods? Babbling? 'Cause he's not. I'm concerned. But I feel like a loser for asking the doctor. Ah, the stress. It's more than I can bear sometimes.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Retraction and Celebration

First, the retraction. I need not be whiny and desperate and beg everyone to help me. I need to be like George Mueller, at least according to Veggie Tales. I need to pray and trust God to help me and not ask other people for help. In related news, I had an interview (because of a phone call I made in response to an ad in the paper) for a job that could work with my schedule. But once I got there, I found out that I would not be able to go to their training. Why can't people have training for a job during the same hours that the job will be? Whatever.
Second. The celebration. In November, Rockapella is coming to Edinboro, PA! I will be there! No matter what! I will sell property in order to afford it, and do whatever else is necessary to be able to go! I have gone without seeing them for waaaay too long! So. It will be done.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Quiet Desperation

I need a job. Or, as Robin Williams says in Mrs Doubtfire, "I... am... job." I am willing to do anything. As long as they are willing to let me do it between midnight and 3 pm. Jarrod can't switch to daytime because they don't need anymore people during the day. So it is up to me to find something during those hours when he is not working. Really, I'll do anything, for minimum wage. I'm serious. I had two interviews, both of which declined to hire me, I'm guessing because of my availability. It's so hard. But we really can't live on one salary anymore. It's amazing that we've survived as long as we have. It'd be a different story if Jarrod was making even 20k yearly. But I can't take it anymore. Being poor, frankly, sucks. What's funny is, I would be thrilled to be AT the poverty level! We've lived so far below it for so long... ah, to go back to the days when we were both working. Even when we were both working at McDonald's... we didn't have to buy diapers back then, but still. We could've afforded the gold-plated ones! Anyway.
Sorry to go on and on about how poor we are. I guess we are rich in other ways... but not ways that buy things. But my point is, if anyone has a tip... after all, it's not what you know but who you know. Does anyone want to hire me? Or know someone who wants to hire me? Or know someone who knows someone who... you get the picture. Remember, I am willing to do anything for very little pay. And I am extremely dependable. I'm just puttin' it out there.