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My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Day. In case you care.

So here's what I did today.
Got up around 6. Boy, does six o'clock come early when you stay up too late on the internet the night before. Ugh. Thomas woke up around six, too. So I had to turn on his TV and tell him I would be in the bathroom for a little while. He does pretty well with that.
We hung around for a little while, and then I called Uncle Tim and we went running around. I took him through the McDonald's drive-thru so he could get some breakfast, then we went to the post office so I could buy a stamp and mail the gas bill, accompanied by a check for way too many dollars. Boo to the gas company. It's not even warm in my house. I'm paying for them to keep my house slightly less cold than it is outside. It just doesn't seem right. Moving on.
We then went to Walgreen's and dropped off my prescriptions. When I went to pick them up, I found out there is now a copay on one of them. Boo to the copay. I'll have to see if there is a way to get a generic or something. It's only two dollars, but I need that every month, and there may come a day when I don't have two dollars. They have to give it to me anyway, even if I can't afford it, but I don't know if they know that, and I don't want to have to be the one to tell them.
Then to Great Clips to get Thomas's hair cut. A strange man paid for his haircut. It was weird. I don't know. I'm grateful, but then I didn't end up having the change to give the girl the tip she deserved. I wanted to give her five, but without paying for the haircut, I didn't have anything but three ones. A three dollar tip for cutting a two-year-old's hair? I wanted to go back after I got more change and give her more, but I thought they would think I was crazy and then I would not feel comfortable going back there. Oh well. I won't now anyway 'cause now I look like a lousy tipper. Not to mention I must already look like someone who can't afford a six-dollar haircut. Ugh. What can I do...
After the great haircut debacle, on to WalMart. (Insert choirs-of-angels music here.) Here I was reminded that I am in fact the great expanding woman and any clothes I wish to purchase will have to be of a size significantly larger than the most recent size I bought. I now wear plus size. In both shirts and pants. PLUS SIZE. I am soon going to be on The Biggest Loser, wiping tears from my eyes, saying, "I just don't know how I got to be this big." What do I do? Stop eating? I guess I really will have to eat stuff that tastes gross. I don't know that I can learn to like broccoli. But maybe if I buy nothing but broccoli, I will just not eat. At least I won't be able to eat cookies, or whatever it is that I am eating that is making me look like that statue we learned about in art history... I can't remember what she was called, but she was big-boneded.
Anyway, in true Big Girl fashion, I bought shoes. That's what people do when they are unhappy with their size. They buy accessories. So I did.
Then we came home. Lunch. Nap. (Yes, a REAL nap!)
Choir. Thank you, God, for choir at North-Mar Church. I don't know that they need me, but I certainly need them.
And that brings me to the chair where I sit, in front of American Idol... I missed the first hour, but so far the second hour is sooooo boring. And frankly I was bored last night, too, with the exception of maybe three people. They'd better "bring it," as they say. Or we're all gonna go to bed early, thank you very much.
And now, I thank YOU very much for reading all this bloggishness. Comment as you wish.


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