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My bloggy little blog

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009


It's impossible to get ahead in this world. It seems like, we were so poor we couldn't even afford food, and I was so sad about it, and now we don't have to worry about food, but everything else in my life sucks. I am not healthy, I am not happy, my family drives me crazy, I have no friends...
Now why would someone blame ME for losing touch when I didn't have her phone number or email? I had the same email forever and she never emailed me. I changed my phone number forever ago, but I had her phone number still... and in fact, I know I talked to her since my phone number changed, because I remember talking to her from the townhouse where Jarrod and I lived. So she had my number-- has my current number. I know I texted her in the past, when I changed phones (NOT numbers) and tried to verify that it was still her number, and got no response. And that was only after my first wedding anniversary, so it was only just over a year ago. So for her to say we haven't spoken in six years and it's MY fault is so wrong. In fact, the last time we spoke on the phone was... summer or fall of 2006, so it was only four or so years. It just makes me crazy to think that someone I think of fondly and often would say such things. She accused me of not caring. What the heck am I supposed to do? I never had a house address for her. In fact, NEVER, not even when we were roommates in college. I guess she is just reminding me of the reasons we sometimes fought in college. Argh. What the heck is wrong with me that I can't keep friends? I blame not making friends on my shyness. But not keeping friends? I just don't see where it is that I went wrong. At some point, I am sure SHE either did not return an email or a phone call or a text, or SHE changed her email or phone number without telling me. Because I know she has my number. I KNOW I had this number last time I talked to her. It had to have been HER decision at some point to lose contact with ME, whether by accident or not... so whatever. It makes me both angry and sad.
And now it's pouring rain. What has happened to my life? My fingers are frozen.


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