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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Nighttime is the Right Time

...and apparently the only appropriate time for sleeping in this house, at least for me and the little guy. Whatever happened to our lovely naps? I have comfy pillows for the couch, and a comfy mattress on the bed, and I am limited to using them only at night! So unfair! Thomas has never slept as much as a child his age is supposed to. And here I am, a person who at least prefers if not requires more sleep than average. I love my sleep and I love my naps and I feel that my life without naps is... suffering in quality. AND I eat more. Just about every problem I could name in my life right now could be eliminated or diminished by getting more sleep. Particularly the problem of where I'm tired... duh. But also my grumpy moods, my body aches, my weight, my stress, and a lot of other stuff I'm sure.
Yawn. I'm thinking dinner out tonight. For me and Thomas. Maybe we'll go to McDonald's and get milkshakes. And I'll get a salad, so I'm not being entirely unhealthy. And he can have whatever he wants. Probably a happy meal. Then again, we could go somewhere nicer. Haha like Arby's. I like the shakes at Steak n Shake, but I don't really like their food. The burgers are okay, but I hate the fries and I can't imagine Thomas would like them either.
Tomorrow is choir practice, which means I get to take the day off from the gym, which means I will feel fat no matter what I eat but also means I can go somewhere else in the morning. I'm thinking the mall... Target... maybe Borders... And maybe if I keep Thomas busy all morning, he'll nap tomorrow... right up until I have to get him up, throw dinner at him, and get us off to church.
Thank you for reading my rambling. Or skipping to the last line.


  • At 12:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So glad it hit me that you mentioned this on the phone. (Which, I'm assuming, is not half as bad as you or the phone hitting me.)

    Doubt you'll read this B4hand, but in case you do, call me if U plan to go out tomorrow. (Sent U a text about this, but have no clue if U read it, since U never replied.)


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