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Friday, April 18, 2008


I know there is waaaay too much of this Mom-bragging in the world (although I think all of it that goes on in our family is completely justified. We breed geniuses.). Having said that, I have only to say this: Thomas says "mama." And sometimes "bye-bye."
Darnit with the toenails. He usually does clip them in the living room (at least he uses clippers), leaving them in front of the couch. I don't know which is worse. At least on the bathroom rug they are out of sight most of the time. He does other gross things, too, which I won't get into here. And when I get up in the morning, I find dishes and pop cans (with varying levels of emptiness) all over the house. If I can stand to leave them there, he will eventually clean them up. The word here is eventually.
The job is at Super Kmart. And I got it. Thank the Lord! The most exciting part, other than the weekly money in my bank account, is that I will need to (get to!) buy new clothes for my uniform. I think I have to wear black jeans (I have one pair that don't yet fit me) and a solid red or white collared shirt. The last time I bought clothes, they were maternity. And before that, it was maybe years. So excited.
I will be working overnight, I think stocking the sales floor. I am actually psyched to have a job where I might not have to deal with people all that much. Sometimes it seems like everyone is out to get you, like everything wrong with the company is, of course, your fault. So maybe I won't have to deal with that. The overnight thing will be interesting. It's only going to be 15-20 hours a week to start, so I won't be completely sleep-deprived. We'll see how I like it. Frankly it doesn't matter. As I said before, it pays money. Real money!


  • At 1:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Being 1 of them for sure if it's true, I'm still not sure our family breeds "geniuses". ("Justification" is simply an excuse.)

    Congrats for the quad-millionth time on the job. (Tho watch as less time with TEH brings more bragging about the time U2 spend together.)


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