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My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Been a long time. Did I already use that title?

A loooooong time. I read my last post. Apparently Thomas said "Bah bah." Well, he says a lot more than that now. He will be two in September. He counts to ten and knows his alphabet. He's brilliant. And he knows sign language. So there ya go. I wouldn't be a mom if i didn't brag about my kid. :)
What's new? Well... I'm not working anymore. Not "outside the home," anyway. I understand why people say that, but I hate that they say it. Yes, we work inside the home. Hard, and long hours. For no pay. Get over it.
Jeff (Jarrod's best friend and musical partner in crime) is getting married on Friday. Congratulations Jeff and Chrissy.
I am going to see Rockapella in Ada in September. I am saving money up, and I can't wait. The show isn't even official yet, but I am so sure that it will be. If it turns out to be a private show or something... I will find a way. It has been waaaay too long. I miss the way I used to feel when I went to their shows. I miss my diehard friends, too, but I don't know. Maybe you're supposed to let old friends go. I don't want to. I still miss all my old friends. I guess I always will. Wow. Not to be a downer...
I don't think we are going to be able to go down to Kentucky for Homecoming. Speaking of old friends. I really want to, and I know this year would be the best chance I have for seeing people from my graduating class, but we just aren't going to have the money. It's not like I am choosing Ada over Union. Ada I am expecting to cost about $70. A trip for the weekend, to Union, would probably cost about $200. That isn't even doable. So maybe next year, or maybe in a few more years. I don't know.
I heard Frank McCourt died. That's sad.
I think I'm done for now. Since mom has internet back, maybe I won't be so long gone this time.


  • At 8:09 PM , Blogger Melanie said...

    Hey! I subscribed to your blog a long time ago. Was a bit startled to see something new here in my feed. :-) So...just wanted to say hi. And I agree that Thomas is brilliant; don't think you are too biased there. He's clearly a genius. :-)

  • At 12:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Finally read it tonight. I would have so much trouble with that, as I always try to update things I said on my last blog.

    That is all.

  • At 11:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    He IS a genius! So is his mommie!Glad to see you blogging again.

    I look forward to spending time with T3 when you go to Ada

  • At 8:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ada.....where is that? I think it would be great for you to get to a rockapella concert again. When Grandma is hanging out with Thomas maybe they can come see me!


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