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My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My Handsome Buddy

My aunt Shirley took this yesterday at McDonald's. He is just so beautiful and photogenic.
Moving on.
Pet peeves: typographical errors, grammatical errors (particularly when people say "between he and I" or something similar), "10 items or less" (not fewer), being stared at, refusal to signal before a turn, old people who cut in line, winter weather, people who have jobs that I could do and make more money at them than I would ask.
Guilty pleasures: "American Gladiator," fast food, long showers, chocolate, Dr. Pepper, Rockapella, People magazine, freecell on the computer, sarcasm.
Catchphrases: "Your mom!" "Dude." "Mother in law!" "I doubt it." "Gabie passed a nickel!" "I believe the word you're looking for is... anyway..."
I just recently started going through all the books I have boxed up in the basement and realized I have a lot of novel-type books. Many of them I had to read in college, and some I either had to read or wanted to read in high school. And I missed these books. Yes, that's right, I missed the books. Some of you may understand. Books are my friends. I enjoy reading them, writing in them, dog-earing the pages, shelving and alphebetizing them, and re-reading them when the time comes. None of which I can do when the books are in a box in the basement. I had asked Jarrod at one point if he would build me a bookcase, to which he said that he needed wood. So no bookcase yet. But I brought some of the books up anyway and put them in a crate that was in the basement. I don't know when (or if) I will re-read any of them, but I am so happy to have them back!
Right now I am reading another book that I have borrowed from Tim, something by Chuck Klosterman (I think that's his name). I have no idea what the title is. But it's all about his interviews with famous people, most or all of them in the music industry. It's interesting enough. But I think the next one I borrow will consciously be something very different. OOH! Or maybe when I am done with it I can get to the library and see if they have that Ladies' Detective Agency series. With my luck, they won't have the first one. It's certainly worth a try. I love book recommendations.
Note: Please kindly forgive any grammatical or typographical errors... I would feel like an idiot if I knew that I had made a bunch after what I've written here.


  • At 11:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    J, U know how I'm feeling 2night, so I wasn't really checking for errors (or much of anything else, 2B honest.)

    RYC: I think it could be cool to all blog in 1 spot. But msg. board/creative ideas too? Might B a bit much for 1 spot.

  • At 4:38 PM , Blogger Rebecca said...

    Oh goodness, I know I am terrible with grammatical errors. It's like I don't even belong in this family. So embarassing. Kindly overlook them:) I'm so glad you may check out the Ladies' Detective Agency Books! Andrew McCall Smith is the author. They are usually in the mystery section, but sometimes (I have noticed) under McCall and sometimes under Smith. In my old library there were actually some in each place, which is a pet peeve of MINE! Sloppy filing. Another book that I read last year and loved that is also about celebrity interviews is called "But Enough About Me." I can't remember the author's name. . .Jenna or Jana something. It was soooo funny, though. I recommeded it to Robyn and she read it, loved it, and bought it for a friend. I miss books, too, and love re-reading them. Sometimes I would rather read an old book than a new one!


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