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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Pecan pieeeee

Dude. Everyone and their mother must be online right now, because this is the second time I have attempted to blog. Hm. i wonder if people are shopping online, too. Or preparing to. This Black Friday thing is insane. I have only once gone to a mall or major store on this day, and that was a few years ago and by accident. Anyway, a few years ago it wasn't as bad as it is now. I hate to have to say it, but nobody is getting any Christmas presents from me. ("Should we all expect gifts that can be stolen from your office?" "You shouldn't.") Except for maybe some cards I have left over from several years ago.
Yawn. This has already taken too long, and every time I get online, my mom has to watch Thomas, and I feel bad. And I have to figure out what store is open so I can go buy some Dr Pepper.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! (Remember, it's Thanksgiving. "Not Truth Day!")


  • At 3:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How I wish you knew how to leave that title as an audio. (I don't either, so don't ask.)

    B4 U ask also, I don't know where the "truth day" quote is from. Then again, I know a lot of quotes you'd never place, too. That's how we keep Mom so confused.

    TAG! You're it!


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