Search & Win My bloggy little blog: I miss...

My bloggy little blog

This is my blog. Duh. Read. Enjoy. Repeat.

Monday, January 07, 2008

I miss...

...sleeping in.
...eating out.
...the Jen club.
...sundaes with peanut butter, hot fudge, and whipped topping, no matter how much extra it costs.
...wearing flip flops.
...dreaming in Shakespearean. pig slippers.
...getting kicked from the inside.
...going to the grocery store dairy section to cool off.
...being in charge.
...going to Spanish class in pajamas, then coming back to the apartment and sleeping until lunch.
...What Not to Wear, Mythbusters, Friends repeats whenever I want... basically anything in reruns if the time is right. ethernet connection.
...singin in harmony.
...worship at the Conway Boatman Chapel.
...Spanish-only days.
...pinwheels, step-2's, and to-the-rears.
...writing in Russian.
...speaking in op-talk.
...eating cheese curls off the floor.
...cartwheels on the driveway.
...squirt guns.
...Peanut, Smokey, and Gabe.
...doing calculus homework in last period study hall.
..."If the ocean were whiskey and I were a duck..."
...four-way IMs from four different states.
...chicken and dumplins.
...footless tights and neon socks.
...crimped hair and poofy bangs.
...mountain dew and milky ways.


  • At 11:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I miss speaking in "ithiga". (I think it was called.) Also miss the days when I could think of something to write, & the others I wrote just b/c.

    RYC: Not sure what to expect from me in '08, b/c what hasn't changed (as I tell Thomas) is I'm heavily an Improv guy.

  • At 8:49 PM , Blogger Rebecca said...

    I miss some of those same things. Ah, the carefree college days. Soon I will be getting kicked from the inside again!


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