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My bloggy little blog

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

hooray for food!

We will feast! And I ain't talkin bout Thanksgiving! I went to WIC today and got coupons for formula and also for food for me and the hubby. There will be milk and cheese and cereal and juice galore!! I'm pretty excited about shopping.
How come any time I sit down to blog, I can't remember any of what I have been thinking for a week i wanted to blog about? Oh well. My baby is adorable, and brilliant, of course. Because the only baby book I have is one of those that hates to attach an age to milestones, I have no idea if he is on track or behind or ahead. For all I know, he should be walking and talking and writing his first novel by next week. No, really, I know he shouldn't be doing all that yet, but I can't just open the book and read that by two months he should be able to hold his head up and by six he will be sitting or whatever the milestones are. Darn that Dr. Spock. There's a book at Burlington about the first year, week by week, that I have been thinking about getting, but I can't decide if it's worth it, and as time goes on, it becomes less and less useful. Regardless, I need to get something to read. I am finished with the novel-with-advertising that is the Oprah magazine, and then I read my free baby magazine in two sittings. So I am needing some reading material. But I don't really know what I want, and I am hesitant to take a baby into a library... although a baby's cry isn't any worse than a kid having a loud conversation with a tutor or an old person asking where they keep the large-print romance novels.
Well, I think that's all I've got. I wish I could be more interesting.


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