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My bloggy little blog

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Here's a picture of my lovely little guy being held by my mom. I promise it's purely coincidence that he looks scared to death. So far we have yet to find someone he outwardly dislikes... although he may just be hiding it well. Actually he seems to dislike me the most of anyone-- but I think that's just because I spend more time with him than anyone, so that includes both happy time and this-world-sucks-I-hate-you-I'm-screaming time. The former has far outweighed the latter, knock on wood. (or particle board...)

The title has to do with my job search news, or lack thereof. I soooo thought I was in. And these people did NOT call me. Now, Jarrod would say that it's my responsibility to call them back. But personally, if I am the person who does the hiring, I am going to call the people I want, and not call the people I don't want. Simple as that. By that reasoning, they don't want me. For whatever reason (clearly they're delusional). But they seemed to like me! If they were faking it... I think that's really cruel. If they didn't want me and knew it at the time, they should have come right out with it! "We realize you really want this job, but [your uvula is too long or insert your reason here], so we're not going to waste any more of your time or ours, so bye-bye now and don't bother waiting for our phone call good luck with your search." There's something to be said for bluntness.
Or maybe they hadn't decided at the time.
At any rate, the search for a part-time mindless job for which I am way overqualified continues. Wish me luck. Go team. "High-fives all around."


  • At 11:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    J... No, I don't know what that quote's from. Yeah, I recognize it, but not sure from where. (Something tells me it's a movie, but another says "The Office".)

    Funny how you use "uvula"... That's one of Al Yank.'s fave words, too. I'm thinking next time I'll go to the doc's, I'll ask them to check mine, just to freak 'em out.


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