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My bloggy little blog

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Sunday, April 02, 2006

anybody out there?

So officially, I have three readers. All of whom are either relatives or me. Well, I want us all to know I appreciate us. Thank us.
Having said that....... I'm actually tired of being online. I have been sitting here for at least an hour, although I suspect that it's been more like two. An insane amount of time to spend pointing and clicking, if you ask me. Although I've been catching up on what's been going on in life outside of McDonald's, which is essentially what my life has been lately-- McDonald's and the people (person?) who work there. I'm not sure that I have been making the right decisions as far as those people go, and I am equally unsure if it is a good decision to backpedal now while I might could be able to get out of it, or if I want to hang on, continue to tread lightly, and see where it takes me. Ugh. I'm guessing the journey would be scenic but the ultimate destination would not be anywhere I'd like to spend my summer vacation.
In other news, I have been traveling a bit and will be busy doing more traveling over the next several months. I'm going to see Chapter 6 (an excellent Christian a cappella group) in Cleveland on Tuesday-- so excited about that. They are terrific, and I'm thrilled to get the opportunity to see them again. T and I saw them once before, at some piddly little campus in PA. It was the weirdest thing. There were like 20 people there, in this random old auditorium that you just walked into without anyone at the door taking tickets or money or even acknowledging that there was any kind of a performance about to take place. We only even knew about it because we read a tiny blurb in the Tribune. And I was like, Hey, T, it's those guys.... ya wanna go? And go we did, and my life hasn't been the same since. No, really, their music makes me happy. I don't love them like I love Rockapella, but I do love them. So I'm psyched. Then in a few weeks I'm going to see the 'Pella in Allendale, MI, and Evansville, IN. And then in May, it's VEGAS, BABY!!! I'm thinking we'll be going like the 17th through the 21st? We have yet to solidify all that, but plans are in the making. It's hard, since I haven't been online much lately, and so many of my closest friends and most frequent travel buddies live so far away. Most of our communication happens online, and when I don't get on, I miss a lot. I don't know what exactly I've been doing with my time... work, I guess, in part. A little bit of homework, a little bit of laundry, a little bit of soap... :) Okay, anyone who gets that reference... haha is probably not reading this. :) But anyway. I think I've rambled sufficiently. More in another millennium haha. No, really, hopefully sooner rather than later. For the sake of my (few but faithful) audience.


  • At 1:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    OK, J... I didn't get the "soap" reference, but I caught one maybe you yourself didn't... Saw something about "I might could"... Come on; "Uncle Elwyn"???

    Woah; Someone (or something) just opened my door. (Maybe it was Uncle E.?) That'll teach me to watch Undertaker matches after Midnight, eh?


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