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My bloggy little blog

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And time goes by so slowly...

I am getting sooooo impatient! I realize he is not even technically post-term until 42 weeks, and currently I'm not even 41, but let's remember two things here: A) I expected him (silly first-time-mother me) early, and B) he's been shackin up in my uterus for nine months! Rent-free, might I add. Possibly the worst part is that I keep having contractions, sometimes only about 15-20 minutes apart, and I get all excited that I might actually have him that very day, and then they fade away or disappear altogether. And it's kinda inconvenient that the most debilitating ones happen not when I am at home but when I am out somewhere, trying to function (i.e. walk).
And part of me keeps forgetting that I am going to be very actively involved in his arrival. I come home from somewhere expecting him to be there waiting for me, like an answering machine message or a UPS delivery. Walk in the door... "Nope, no Thomas." Duh.
But despite his reluctance to meet us all, he is doing just fine. I had a non-stress test yesterday that showed no signs of distress, and I go back on Thursday and Friday for another NST and a biophysical profile (BPP). Assuming I don't have him before then. Oh, and his weight was most recently estimated at 9 lbs., 7 oz.. With a margin of error of 1 1/2 lbs either way. So he's going to be, at the very least, a healthy weight.
Jarrod keeps saying it's twins, despite pretty reliable ultrasounds indicating that it's NOT, but I think that's why last night I had a dream that I was changing his diaper but there were two of him. But one was normal baby size and one was more like a newborn puppy. Ah, the dreams of the pregnant woman.
Well, I just wanted to update, in case anyone was wondering. Since we have no internet at home, I'll have to visit Mom's every now and again in order to share news. Which means she'll have to watch the baby while I blog. Oh, what's a new grandma to do? :)


  • At 7:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Sorry, maybe I just watch too much TV (yeah, & maybe that 7-foot-4 guy on WWE's "a bit tall"), but when I read "shacking up", I thought about old-show talk for living together w/o being married... So maybe Thomas is gonna be 2 kids.

    Maybe that's why it's taking so long; It's taken me this long to get unpacked, & he probably doesn't move as fast as I do.

  • At 9:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hang in there! He has to come out eventually. But it IS nice when other people can hold him, you know, not just you all the time. :-)

    BTW, I highly recommend the epidural. As soon as they allow it! It makes the whole experience much more enjoyable!!!

  • At 9:48 PM , Blogger Becky said...

    Jen - thanks for finding us! Can't wait 'ti your little guy makes his grand appearance. Don't be in too big of a rush - newborn life is SO much more challenging than waiting for him to arrive. I echo mel's comment - get the epidural. I had it, and waited 5 hours, pushed 17 minutes, and James was in my arms. it was good.


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