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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mommy is my name...

and poopy is my game. Thus explains my recent silence of about three weeks. Not coincidentally, I have a baby of about that age. Just to catch everyone up, Thomas Edward Hamrick III was born at 8:36 pm on September 28, 2007. I went into the hospital on Wednesday night, the 26th, around 10 pm, thinking I was in labor. (Apparently I wasn't.) But because I was five days overdue, they told me they weren't going to send me home but instead were going to induce me. So after being given one drug to help me dilate and another drug to bring contractions, labor began. Along with the pain. The epidural was requested, and for a little while it was great. Then it wore off, and they gave me a refresher. The hours ticked on... and on... and on... and I was not progressing like the doctor wanted. Fast-forward to Friday evening. The doctor decides if I'm not at 8 cm by 8 o'clock, we're goin' in. At which point I was actually hoping I wouldn't be. After being in labor for the better part of two days, I really couldn't see myself pushing this child out, especially with the possibility of him being 10 lbs.. So at 8 pm or just before, they whisked me off to surgery, gave me another shot in the back that made me feel like I didn't exist from my mid-section down (interesting sensation), and at 8:36 he had arrived. He was 8 lbs. 10 oz., 20 in.. I don't have a picture I can post yet.
So now mommyhood. It's usually pretty good. Especially now that I am feeling better. Feeding and diaper changing and bathing and all that stuff gets easier day by day. And he is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen (although I'll admit to being just a little biased).


  • At 7:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yay! Congratulations!

  • At 12:03 PM , Blogger Becky said...

    congrats, jen! can't wait to see picutres!


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